Brazilian drug 'mules' with inserts and dozens of acorns totaling 3 kilos of cocaine

Brazilian drug 'mules' with inserts and dozens of acorns totaling 3 kilos of cocaine

Material seized at Ibiza's port and airport. | Daniel Espinosa

| Ibiza |

Half a hundred acorns of different sizes that they carried in their vaginas and bodies and more than 2,000 euros in cash. This is the material seized from the group of three mules - two women and a man of Brazilian nationality - who were arrested by the GAR of the Guardia Civil after landing at Ibiza airport on a flight from Lisbon and originating in Brazil.

Three kilos of cocaine to which were added hours later another 13 kilos seized by the GAR troops in a checkpoint at the port of Ibiza. The agents arrested a man of Spanish nationality, the driver of the car who was carrying a cove under the passenger seat, a space where he was hiding the ten cocaine plates totaling 13 kilos of drugs.

The caches have been exposed this Wednesday at the headquarters of the Guardia Civil of Ibiza, in Can Sifre.

The chief colonel of the Civil Guard of the Balearic Islands, Alejandro Hernández, highlighted the role played this summer by the reinforcement units such as the Rapid Action Group (GAR) and the Reserve and Security Group (GRS). Hernández was accompanied by the commander of the Company of Ibiza and Formentera, Juan Carlos González, and the island director of the General Administration of the State, Enrique Sánchez.

The responsible of the GRS warned that the two women who were carrying the drugs in their bodies are still in Can Misses and it is not ruled out that they may expel more narcotic substances.

The arrest of the group of mules was triggered after the GAR agents who were guarding the passage noticed the suspicious attitude of those now arrested. In a first search, the agents found the substances they were carrying in the insoles of their sneakers and, subsequently, the women confessed that they were carrying more cocaine in their bodies.

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