A passenger writes a farewell letter during a terrifying flight to Ibiza in full storm

| Ibiza | |

According to the portal Merkur.de, a flight of the company Eurowings that joined Hamburg with Ibiza last Sunday passed moments of panic to be surprised by the inclemencies of the storm Betty. While some passengers who were beginning their holidays commented on social networks the experience the airline removed iron to the matter.

This flight could not land in Ibiza, as planned, and had to be diverted to Alicante airport after trying unsuccessfully on several occasions to land on the Es Codolar runway due to the harsh weather conditions.

For its part, the airline told DPA that Eurowings flight EW7514 with 174 passengers on board could not land on the Balearic island on Sunday. Instead, the plane was diverted to Alicante after «a few retentions». Although the Bild.de renders a 32-year-old passenger: The captain attempted a landing manoeuvre that provoked a brutal descent. The plane bowed unchecked from right to left».

The same media reported that the plane lost 1,000 meters of altitude in a minute. Eurowings, in turn, stressed that «there was no danger at any time». That passenger detailed that the people were «up high», «the people were crying and praying». According to the report, a stewardess also broke down to cry. The passenger on the flight added: My seat mate wrote his farewell note in the vomit bag. (...) It was true fear of death what we felt there».

On the other hand, Eva Benetatou, known for television shows like 'The Bachelor', described similar fears on Instagram last Monday. According to her own account, she was also on board the plane with her two-year-old son. Benetatou, who had previously worked as a flight attendant, reported that she had been scared to death. In her Instagram story, she explained: «Yesterday I saw death before my eyes. In all my life I had never had such a creepy flight!».

In turn, Eurowings pointed out that the plane did not have to make an emergency landing, but an «evasive landing» in Alicante since it could not do it in Ibiza on Sunday as planned. The passengers were accommodated in hotels and transferred to Ibiza the next day, according to the airline.

After landing in Alicante, the Airbus was «subjected to a visual inspection by foreign technicians due to the weather conditions it had passed». The suspicion that the plane had been struck by lightning, as one passenger had pointed out, was not confirmed.

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