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Illegal parties in Ibiza: DJ Diplo faces 300,000 euros fine from Sant Josep

Violations reported by the 'josepina' local police in matters of public safety could lead to maximum penalties of up to 300,000 euros.

| Ibiza |

The Local Police of Sant Josep has already sent its report on the illegal party that the dj Diplo organized in one of the viewpoints of Cala d'Hort overlooking es Vedrà last June 24. An event that brought together hundreds of people in a protected natural area.

As reported from the City Council of Sant Josep, the letter of the Local Police «has focused on denouncing the illegal party and possible infringements in public safety, which provide, respectively, penalties of up to 300,000 euros». A report that must now be studied by the Activities Department of the Consistory josepí, which is the one that will finally determine whether Diplo has to be sanctioned and, if so, the amount.

At the same time, the Conselleria de Agricultura, Pesca y Medio Natural is waiting to receive the report of the Seprona of the Guardia Civil, which is in charge of investigating the possible environmental impacts of Diplo's illegal party.

When the Benemérita sends the report, the Govern will open a file and study whether a sanction for the American deejay, who promoted the party on his social networks, is mandatory.

The Management Plan of the West Coast of Ibiza, published in the BOIB in December 2022, states that in this protected area are prohibited «parties, concerts and shows on the cliffs of the scope of the plan». And the Law for the conservation of areas of environmental relevance, the LECO, in its sanctions regime establishes that «the organization of multitudinous events in areas where it is prohibited» is a serious infraction punishable by between 6,001 and 100,000 euros.

If the file determines that the illegal party has caused «very serious damage to the natural environment», the infraction could be considered as very serious and the penalty could be up to 450,000 euros.

Sunset with es Vedrà

The viewpoints of Cala d'Hort allow those who come there to have spectacular views of es Vedrà and es Vedranell, making it a magnet for tourists, especially at sunset.

The crowds at sunset at this point are of such magnitude that in recent years there have been moments of maximum saturation with vehicles parked on the shoulder that made it very difficult to access or leave Cala d'Hort, with the consequent danger to the integrity of people in case of emergency.

For this reason, the City Council of Sant Josep de sa Talaia commissioned the installation of barriers on both sides of the road to prevent drivers from leaving their vehicles there.

The City Council of Sant Josep issued a statement the day after the party expressing its «strong condemnation» for the celebration of the illegal party and recalled that this area of Cala d'Hort is environmentally protected by the European Union through the Natura 2000 Network, in addition to being a Natural Area of Special Interest (ANEI), among other figures of environmental protection.

«This type of illegal activities promote the risk of fires, noise problems, waste and pose a risk to the integrity of the attendees,» said the City Council josepí.

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